Can your customers find you with ease? If we were to search “your service” in [city_name], is your business on the first page of Google? Most people rarely look past the first page of Google so if you’re not there on the first page, then you are “invisible”.

Something that you are already probably aware of is that all businesses need Search Engine Optimisation and the ones not doing it will get left behind. If you’re not investing in an SEO program, then you need to get started right away before the competition eats you up. And if your business has been doing SEO but getting poor results, you need to find a new SEO company in Sydney.

Here are some benefits of investing in search engine optimisation:

Targeted Audience – SEO can be very granular, targeting your ideal clients. With the right keyword research, we can attract a and segment specific groups of customers. This search phrase targeting can be broadened to expand on your geographical location as well. So not only will you be getting more traffic but the traffic will also be extremely targeted.

ROI – SEO is one of the best investments you can make in your business. From reducing overall marketing expenses to garnering trust for your brand.

Leverage Influence – SEO done right has many spin-offs that are not so obvious at first. Some of these are;

Impacts the research/buying cycle – repeat impressions gradually seep into your customers mind that you are the obvious choice to go with. Customers constantly coming across your website on search communicated that you are the authority in your niche.

Offline sales – Did you know that over 86% of consumers use the internet to find local businesses from which to buy offline.1 – WebVisible/Nielsen study in 2008

Magnify Website – Your website never sleeps. Your website is your 24/7 sales guy and is selling for you, pulling in sales, leads and opt-ins like clockwork. Putting the spotlight on your website with SEO will tubo-charge your leads.

Branding – establish customer mind share by making yourself prominent in the search results when anyone is searching for something particular to your industry. Building a brand requires a multi-faceted approach to marketing and SEO should be used as the cornerstone of all you marketing efforts. Branded websites are the second-most-trusted advertising format, behind recommendations from friends and family.2 Nielsen – Global Trust in Advertising Report 2015

Trust and Credibility – Being in the top results of search gives customers the impression you are the best at what you do. Most people associate first place with being the best. Being available when someone searches for your service at the moment of searching psychologically positions your business as one that is reliable and trustworthy – this is especially the case if your business serves the relevant offer when the customers comes to the website. Done properly, your business sales will grow exponentially.

So if you’re looking for a reputable and effective SEO company that will get you results, then get in touch with us at DRM Digital. We’ll love to work with you on growing your business.