WordPress Speed Optimization

WordPress Speed Optimization

According to the most recent statistics, Internet users expect a website to load within 3 seconds. A longer loading time can lead to the user becoming disinterested and possibly moving on to another website.

In other words, a slow website drives potential customers away. This means less traffic, lower conversion rates, and ultimately less money.

Search engines such as Google also play an important role. Google has started using page loading times to rate the quality of a website. A faster loading website is regarded as a better quality website than a slower loading site. Better quality websites get better search rankings.

Therefore, speed is important because Internet users are turned away by slow-loading websites, and Google gives slow-loading websites poorer rankings

WordPress Speed Optimization includes:

Remove Unused Code

This saves bytes and minimizes bandwidth use.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

By using a CDN your visitors will get faster load times.


Combine CSS & JS Files

We will significantly save HTTP requests.

Image Optimization

We compress images to reduce file size

Minify code (CSS, JS, HTML)

Eliminates unnecessary bytes like spaces, breaks and indentation.

Image CSS Sprites

We combine all your theme images with image sprites.